The Corona Journal
During this weird time when eye contact has become illegal and clapping on your doorstep  is the new norm I've been keeping myself entertained with a daily journal. I call it The Corona Journal...
Each day, I jot down what I've been up too or a thought of the day or something I've designed and create a piece representing that day. Some days are hard to get down something physical/ tangible but I'm slowly ploughing away at it each day at a time.
So far I'm on day 58 (I think!?) and I've learnt so much from this project already. Things like:

Sometimes your day just isn't very aesthetically pleasing as you'd like it to be.
If you fall behind, it's hard to catch up, don't slack.
Designing individual pages is fun, but thinking about how to put them together as a spread has a whole new challenge.
Consistency is key.
Learn to vary your typefaces, Gotham and Futura aren't the be all and end all.
Some days are just boring and that's ok. You've got to have the boring days to make the good days seem good.

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